Get your Glutes firing before you run

We talk constantly about the importance of the Glute muscles for running efficiency and speed. A great way of maximising how well your Glutes work is to wake them up or ‘activate’ them before you train. Our latest video shows you a simple routine you can use. Here we test out the ‘Slingshot Hip Circle’ as a means of providing resistance, but you can use any type of resistance band to do the same job.

About the Author

Lou Nicholettos is a Running Physiotherapist based in Cornwall, UK. She currently currently treats a large number of Runners and Triathletes across all levels of ability and performance. In addition to an MSc in Physiotherapy she also has an MSc in Pain Science, providing her with a unique perspective on running injury diagnosis and treatment. She has a strong reputation for helping athletes to improve their Running performance and overcome Running injuries through her unique blend of Physiotherapy, biomechanical analysis and Running technique coaching.

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